Google released the most comprehensive brain scan ever

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Scientists at Google and Janelia Research Campus performed the most detailed brain scan ever achieved.

The project, conducted in partnership with the US-based technology giant Google and Janelia Research Campus, conducted the most comprehensive brain scan to date. 

According to the report in The Verge, a relatively small scale group of neurons can be mapped extensively with this method.  

The project includes detailed mapping for more than 25 thousand neurons in about a third of a fruit fly's brain, containing more than 20 million synapses. 

Contrary to conventional methods, the team used to slice the brains of flies into 20-micron-thick layers and bombard each layer with electron bombing, then used the data to produce a 3D image consisting of trillions of 3D pixels. 

According to the statement, the team had been working for 2 years to implement this project.


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